Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Alert – Poor Telecommunications and Mobile Phone Service

After reaching 8.9 magnitude the Earthquake off the coast of Tokyo has caused an additional Tsunami with a reported 10 meter (33ft) high waves, which is also expecting to hit Hawaii at around 3am local time. Buildings have also been rocked in China, 1500 miles away. The UK airlines are reported to have cancelled flights to Japan in the wake of the Earthquake.

Further to building damage and fires, it appears that communications have also been damaged across Japan with poor services for mobile networks being announced, this being due to potential damage to telecommunication equipment. Softbank Corp, one of the largest mobile phone operators in Japan were in the process of checking for damage on Telecommunications facilities according to one of their spokes people.

Japan accounts to 20% of the worlds Earthquakes and reports an average magnitude of 6 or higher, but this new one is very severe and comes only a few weeks after New Zealand’s Christchurch disaster.

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